Friday, September 02, 2005

First Post

This is just a simple blog created for family and friends, and anyone else who might care to hear what I have to say. Our small family consists of myself Carolyn, my husband Kyle and our little man, Gabriel. We are recently new parents as Gabriel is nearly three months old. I have found motherhood challenging yet one of the most rewarding experiences. As for recent news we have gotten our hospital bills and are in a bit of shell shock, needless to say our budget will be tight for several months while we pay them off. Christmas should be real interesting! But it is a small price to pay for such a great gift. Our dog is not adjusting to Gabriel so well as she has urinated twice and pooped several times in his room. Just how do you get that smell out anyway?


Blogger Mary Yerxa said...

Hi Carolyn it is good to see you blogging. It will be fun to see pictures of Gabriel.

10:31 PM  
Blogger Heather Arthur said...

I can't wait to see pictures of your little man. I am so happy you are blogging. Welcome to the blogosphere!

10:59 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

If I were in WA I would come over and get clean, super clean, until I scrubbed a hole in your carpet if necessary, to get rid of the smell. But that's just me. Scrubbing is my forte'. That's why God invented carpet cleaner, deodarizer, scrub brushes, and husbands :)

2:42 AM  

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